We are very grateful to the Foreman family for hosting a wonderful fundraiser at their home for Bikes 4 Orphans this past Friday night. The …

We are very grateful to the Foreman family for hosting a wonderful fundraiser at their home for Bikes 4 Orphans this past Friday night. The jazz band and tasty food made the night unforgettable. At the end of the night, the Bikes 4 Orphans team was presented a check for $2500, composed of donations from all the guests!
Mr. Elijah Foreman is a passionate cyclist and was inspired by the work of Bikes 4 Orphans. Sebouh met Mr. Foreman on a group ride in La Canada. We had a great time presenting our cause to all the guests at the fundraiser. Thank you to the Foreman family and to all the guests who showed up. We are changing the lives of orphans with one bike at a time! $150 can give one child the opportunity to go to school in order to receive an education that will lift them out of poverty. Please consider donating at http://focusonchildrennow.org/donate/
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