Orphanhood, due to HIV/AIDs, in Africa is a widespread epidemic that is often ignored. UNICEF has declared it a "silent crisis" in…

Orphanhood, due to HIV/AIDs, in Africa is a widespread epidemic that is often ignored. UNICEF has declared it a "silent crisis" in sub-saharan Africa.

When these children become orphans they lose their only safety net that was provided by their parents and as a result lack life's basic necessities such as education, protection, and a source of income to buy food, clothing and other everyday materials that we take for granted.

Bikes 4 Orphans is attempting to fight this epidemic by providing them with an access to education. Sometimes, the only way for orphans to free themselves from poverty is by educating themselves. Education provides these children with the tools and skills necessary to find jobs and become independent. Many of these children have so much potential and all they need to achieve greatness is the opportunity to go to school.

We will soon reveal how we plan on combating this problem in 2017!



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