GREAT NEWS! 20 MORE BIKES HAVE BEEN DELIVERED IN KENYA! We are thrilled to announce that 20 bikes were delivered to the girls of the Matun…


We are thrilled to announce that 20 bikes were delivered to the girls of the Matungu Community Development Charity in Kenya on Sunday (07/17). These bikes will give these girls the tools necessary to go to school in a safer and faster way. They will no longer be vulnerable to harassment on the streets. We would like to thank Focus on Children Now for their unconditional support. We would also like to thank The Pollination Project for helping us with the delivery and connecting us with Vincent and Evans, who run the community charity and help the girls all year long. Also a thank you to World Bicycle Relief for helping us deliver the 20 bicycles safely and efficiently as well as donating an additional bicycle And last but not least, thank you to all our supporters and donors who believe in us and the power bicycles have in changing lives.

To date, we have donated 225 bicycles!

PLEASE consider donating to us again if you believe in our cause. Visit FCN wesbite: and under "AIM" after the payment page, please write "Bikes 4 Orphans". All donations are tax-deductable. We are currently low on funds until our next bike-a-thon fundraiser in the late fall.

We have also received some pictures. More to follow soon!



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