Corona Virus Healthcare Worker Delivery…

πŸš΄β€β™€οΈπŸš‘Corona Virus Healthcare Worker DeliveryπŸš΄β€β™€οΈπŸš‘

Thanks to the Eight Graders at Chandler School in Pasadena, healthcare workers in Kenya received 30 bicycles last week!

We are so grateful to the Class of 2019 for their impactful gift totaling $9,000! We are humbled and honored for their trust in our mission. The fact that these young students came through during this crisis is incredibly inspiring.

A small portion of the gift was used to buy 30 bicycles for healthcare workers in Munami, Kenya this past Saturday.

We coordinated with the Matungu Community Development Charity and a Public Hospital, which is overseeing the response to the virus in the region. Thank you, Atitwa Washika Vincent, for making this possible and for helping combat the spread of the Corona Virus in Kenya!

Before bicycles, the workers were walking on average 5 miles a day to reach households to provide patient care and to spread awareness. On average, each worker had 110 households to visit.

These heroes are spreading awareness like proper social distancing and hand washing techniques. They are closely monitoring people over 60 years old. Distributing soap and hand sanitizers and showing smaller communities how to create their own hand washing stations with local materials. Most importantly, they are also delivering food, medicine, and face masks to vulnerable individuals like pregnant woman and young children.

The problem with walking is that patient care and the spread of accurate information regarding the virus is delayed due to a lack of internet in remote areas.

With bicycles, workers can almost double their household visitations and cut commute times by 75%!!! They can carry more supplies with the bike rack. This means that community members will receive authentic information on the Corona Virus in time to help flatten the curve in Kenya.

So, thank you to the students, the teachers and the parents for caring, for making a difference thousands of miles away, and for helping save lives!

Finally, this could not have been possible without our longtime supporters and donors for spreading our message about bicycle empowerment.



  • Hubert Were
    Atitwa Washika Vincent, I am proud of you. Keep sailing on. Good work.
  • Obore Joseph
    Great work Vincent
  • Caroline Okato
    Great work bro, blessings.

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