Thank you to the Rotary Club of Glendale Noon once again for their continuous support and generous donation of $3500! They invited us to the…

Thank you to the Rotary Club of Glendale Noon once again for their continuous support and generous donation of $3500! They invited us to the club to give an update on our most recent deliveries and fundraisers. We will be using the money to donate an additional 20 bicycles to the Matungu Community Development Charity and to Evans Okumu 's Bicycles for Girls in Kenya.

We had donated an initial 20 bicycles to the girls however we learned that there were still girls without bicycles. These girls are subject to sexual harassment as they walk over 2 hours to school every day. Bicycles will empower them and give them them the opportunity to go to school safely and efficiently. No one should be afraid of violence and harassment just because they want to go to school and receive an education to lift themselves from poverty.

The delivery is scheduled for the end of September. We will keep all our supporters posted.

Thank you again Rotary Club of Glendale, CA (Noon), especially to Elizabeth and the Club President, Gregory, for inviting us! You have changed the lives of 20 girls forever.

If you would like to support our cause and change a life, please donate here:



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