At the beginning of the year we placed the ambitious goal of $10,000 by July 2015. We are proud to announce that we are almost halfway there.
We want to thank everyone for their support and their belief in our cause! We truly appreciate the community’s help and encouragement.

$1000 – Glendale Rotary Club of Noon
$1000 – Altadena Rotary Club
$2000 – 2 Private Companies: Riedon & PBI
$850 – Several individual Donors
We hope we’ll raise the rest of our goal during our Bike-A-Thon / Hike-A-Thon event on February 28th. If we can get at least 250 participants to show up, we will achieve our goal.
$10,000 will allow us to help change 75 orphans’ lives by giving them education through the power of bicycles. Hope to see you all on February 28th at the Glendale Sports Complex.
More info about the event is here: