What an awesome event! Thank you to everyone who showed up and supported the 17 foster students that received bikes today. We had a great ti...

What an awesome event! Thank you to everyone who showed up and supported the 17 foster students that received bikes today. We had a great ti…

What an awesome event! Thank you to everyone who showed up and supported the 17 foster students that received bikes today. We had a great time meeting the students and hearing their stories and plans for their future. We hope that the bicycles will help give them the independence and mobility they need to succeed […]
We are very excited about tomorrow’s event!
 3 nonprofit organizations and 2 local businesses are coming together to help foster youth! We a...

We are very excited about tomorrow’s event! 3 nonprofit organizations and 2 local businesses are coming together to help foster youth! We a…

We are very excited about tomorrow’s event! 3 nonprofit organizations and 2 local businesses are coming together to help foster youth! We are inspired by these students! Despite their challenges in life, they have decided to go to college and pursue an education! We want to reinforce their determination during tomorrow's event by providing them […]