Thanks Glendale City Council!

We would like to thank Mayor Sinanyan and all the City Council Members, Laura Friedman, Ara Najarian, Paula Devine, and Dave Weaver, for giving us their time and attention as we were able to present what this organization is about and announce the 2nd Annual Bike-A-Thon / Hike-A-Thon Event to them and all those who […]

Bike For A Purpose | Hike For A Purpose

This is our official flyer for the event. The goal is to raise funds for another 200 bikes in 2015, and this event is going to kick start our year. We would appreciate if you can share this flyer with your friends and family! Hope to see you all on Feb 28th. Please visit for […]
ITS OFFICIAL! Are you guys ready for the 2nd Annual Bike-A-Thon & Hike-A-Thon Event on February 28th. Tell all your friends and family to save the date.                                     


“We have a day for giving thanks. We have two for getting deals. Now, we have #GivingTuesday, a global day dedicated to giving back. On Tuesday, December 2, 2014, charities, families, businesses, community centers, and students around the world will come together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to give.” So please take this […]

Letters from Kayelisha Care Project

After our delivery to Khayelisha Care Project we were blown away when the kids sent the most heartwarming letters from the orphans. We were glad to see that the children are enjoying their bikes and their gratitude towards us. You can learn more about these wonderful kids by visiting their Facebook Page: Khayelisha Care Project . You can find more photos:

Our 1st Video Highlighting Our Progress

We are pleased to share this video with you. Thanks to Casey Shatraw for helping us put this video together and to the many volunteers and supporters who helped us to get to this point. In addition, a special gratitude to Focus On Children Now Organization, for taking us under their wing and helping us […]

$1000 Donation!

Rotary Club of Glendale, CA (Noon) was one of the first organizations that supported us 2 years ago. They were vital in helping us reach the $25,000 millstone year to date. Today we were invited by the Club’s President Mrs. Elizabeth Manasserian, to give a progress report. By the end of our talk, we were presented […]

Thank Kentron TV for your coverage

Ms.Tsovina Hayrapetyan, was one of the reporters who accompanied us when we delivered bikes to “lady of Armenian” summer camp (August 2014). This video is in Armenian language, but we are grateful for her help in trying to publicize our cause.

Successful Delivery of 50 bikes to Armenia!

We are thrilled to announce that the delivery of the 50 bikes to four different Armenian orphanages and day camps was a huge success. Once again we were a witness to the power of bicycles. The bicycles brought joy and happiness to all the children. The bicycles will provide the children who have very little […]

Off to Armenia!

Today, the Bikes 4 Orphans/FCN volunteer team are leaving today to go to Armenia to deliver the 50 bicycles to the orphans there. We will be posting pictures and updates on our Facebook page and blog regularly. If any of you are in Armenia in the next two weeks please message us if you would like […]